❖ Let Yourself Be Astonished by the Voladores
On top of a tall pole, the group leader beats the drum and plays the flute to invoke the generative elements of life, the cardinal points, as well as the cosmic union of the Sun and the Earth. Then the four voladores jump into the air head-first, a rope tied to their waists, and they descend in circles to ask the gods to bless them with fertility.
❖ Explore the World of Totonaca Handicrafts
Takilhsukut Theme Park, home to the Centro de las Artes Indígenas, was created with the aim of preserving Totonaca culture.
Over the course of the year there are 16 courses offered at this art center, administrated by the wise people and Totonaca elders who coordinate traditional teaching methods and the ancestral ways of transmitting knowledge.
Here, students can learn about different topics, such as traditional medicine, ancestral dances, the voladores ritual, sculptural ceramics, music, textile production, theatre, and traditional cooking, among other subjects.
Thanks to its work conserving Totonaca culture, the center was recognized in 2012 by UNESCO as Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
❖ Acércate a la cultura de Papantla
Otros de los edificios de interés de Papantla son la Capilla de Cristo Rey, construida a mediados del siglo pasado, y que es una pequeña copia de la catedral de Notre Dame en París, el Museo de la Ciudad, el Museo Teodoro Cano, donde se exhiben colecciones de piezas prehispánicas de barro, pinturas y otras obras del maestro Cano y de estudiantes del taller de Papantla, el Museo de las Máscaras, el del Totonacapan y la Casa de la Cultura.