Revista Pueblos Mágicos
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In the south of the state, there’s the town of Tonatico. There aren’t many places where you’ll find nature’s beauty, historic monuments, and ancestral traditions all mixed together. The Nahua used to say it was the place where the sun was born. Perhaps that explains its year-round, semi-tropical climate. To set foot on its enchanted soil is to fall in love with its hot springs, mysterious forests, and the adherence to traditional beliefs and deities.


  1. Seeing the gold-leaf altarpieces at Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Tonatico.
  2. Walking through the Jardín Central and its colonial porticos.
  3. Relaxing at the hot springs.
  4. Watching the waterfall at Parque de Tzumpantitlán.

Walk through the lighted underground caves.

Balneario Municipal

If there’s one thing that’s the pride of Tonatico, it’s this municipal waterpark fed by several natural hot springs. The high mineral content and 95-degree-Fahrenheit temperatures have made it very attractive to those wishing to soak in the water and relieve issues such as rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, gout, high blood pressure, sciatica, severe stress, and even exhaustion. It’s also a place for those wishing to relax and enjoy the benefits of clay.

And there are those who come to this waterpark just to have a nice time with the family. They have fun on the huge water slide and an island where little ones can have a blast splashing around while enjoying other amenities.

Grutas de la Estrella

Hidden underground, there’s a site devoted to worshipping Tláloc, the god of rain. Its name is Grutas de la Estrella. To get there, you have to walk down 450 steps to an underground river with three cascades. If you follow where the cave leads, you’ll reach a gallery where stalactites in the shape of mammoths and eagles, crucifixes and oil lamps, and even Dante’s profile appear in this part of the world.

You’ll need to hire the services of a tour operator in order to seem them, who can also tell you about the geographic origins and the stories that have been written about these caves. Those who can’t access them for reasons of health or physical disability can enjoy an interactive virtual museum which allows them to have the same experience. Spelunking fans will be happy to lose themselves for three hours. The tour of the underground river entails rappel descents and swimming in a number of natural pools. Those wishing to sign up can do so from February to June.

Jardín Central and Colonial Porticos

When you arrive in Tonatico you’ll find a colonial town where the sun always shines on its gentle people. Downtown is marked by a tree-covered square and a small gazebo. The porticos are the perfect place for enjoying favorite Mexican foods. Between quesadilla and quesadilla, the gentle breeze refreshes visitors. In order to enjoy the best of the town, you have to explore the alleyways between the gorgeous old houses.

Walk Across a Hanging Bridge

Large, lavish trees full of green leaves cover this place known as Parque del Sol or Parque de Tzumpantitlán. There’s no place for boredom here.

Inside the park you’ll find an over 165-foot waterfall. The rainy season is when it looks its best. There’s a 330-foot-long zipline over the falls enticing visitors to ride.

Everyone who comes can climb up to and walk across the hanging bridges with their splendid forest views. Wading pools, swimming pools, playgrounds, and a picnic area with grills also can be found in the park.

Check Out Cave Paintings

Tonatico’s biodiversity is protected at Parque Niltze Bioaventuras. In its expanse of 17 acres, it offers interpretive trails, horseback and bicycle rides, campgrounds, an events garden, and swimming pools. If you enter this landscape of green, you’ll be able to see the Cueva de las Manitas. Ancient cave paintings from long ago have been found inside this cave. Just request a tour that follows the flow of Los Limones Creek on a two-and-a-half-hour adventure to see these remnants. Nature has delights in store at every turn along the way.

That’s not the only trail worth checking out. There’s also Cruces y Soles, which leads to a natural lookout where you can see drawings from the pre-Hispanic and colonial eras on the walls of the ravines. Taking in the exotic vegetation and the impressive San Miguel Canyon is part of the charm. Those traveling with kids won’t want to miss the…

Treat Yourself to a Temascal Bath

Nature and total relaxation lovers will find that the woodsy Rancho la Piedra is the perfect place for moments of relaxation. There are tiny cabins with basic services, temascal (sweat lodge) sessions, and recreational activities. It’s a good place to enjoy with the family, your partner, or with friends.

Conmemoración Tradicional
de la Consumación de la Independencia

El recuerdo de aquella madrugada del 16 de septiembre de 1810 y la entrada triunfal del Ejército Trigarante, once años después son motivo de celebración en Tonatico.

Los días 26 y 27 de septiembre, el pueblo se llena de fiesta, entre bailes, jaripeos y desfile con carros alegóricos. En la tarde del 27 se representan algunas batallas principales de la Independencia para después dar paso a la verbena popular.

Traditional Fair in Honor of Our Lady of Tonatico

For years, this celebration has taken place on the last Sunday of January and extends through to February 2nd. It’s the largest fair in the south of the state, where thousands of pilgrims come to request intercession by the Virgin Mary. The celebration starts with a novena in which attendees make their way through the town’s main streets carrying lamps and praying the Holy Rosary. It’s when the Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Tonatico is visited by pilgrims and dancers. You can’t miss the dancers, called chinelos and pastorcitas. The religious celebration is accompanied by cultural events and folk dances.

Semana Santa

La Semana Santa es otro momento religioso que congrega muchos feligreses. Desde hace 80 años se ha representado en Tonatico la obra El Concilio –recibió su nombre al iniciarse durante la Celebración del Concilio Vaticano– durante el miércoles, jueves y sábado santo se representa la vida, pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. 

Por la mañana del Viernes Santo tiene lugar el viacrucis viviente que parte del Santuario al Cerro de la Cruz, lugar que regala una vista espectacular del municipio y donde espera también una cruz de doce metros de altura. 

Por la noche, la procesión del silencio recorre las calles del pueblo con todas las imágenes de los santos de la parroquia, pero es el Santo Entierro quien la encabeza; ahí se mira en tamaño real, dentro de su estructura de madera bañada en oro.

La celebración de la Pascua del Señor da fin a los actos litúrgicos, para el domingo, las calles del pueblo se llenan de música y alegría.

Es el Jardín Central por una semana el escenario donde tienen lugar eventos artísticos, danzas, música vernácula, versátil y popular que todos disfrutan de forma gratuita.

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